Friday, March 28, 2014

Spring Chicks, Flowers, Garden Awakens

Spring is in the air and are we ever enjoying it.

Daffodils are beginning to bloom and tulips will follow soon.  The appearance of morning dew is actually rain in the night.

And if that's not enough of a taste of spring, here are photos of the nectarine tree in bloom.

This next photo maybe isn't the best photo, but it was as close as I could get with the lens I had on at the moment without sliding down into the creek to get closer.   Anyway, it gives you the idea what's blooming today and why I am so happy.  There are flowers everywhere.

Bonda's garden is waking up.  The lettuce and peas are in but not showing yet.  The tomato tires are going to go away.  Bonda's husband Bondo, met a man at the farmer's market last spring who said you get better tomatoes if you plant them in tires because they hold the heat in.  That did not work and I won't put up with the look of the tires two years in a row.  They will be leaving soon.

 In our neighborhood we have a family who provides fresh eggs.  Her chickens live a good life because they are protected from the plentiful predators plus grounded. (A blog for another day).

Our neighbor lady works at a store I often shop at so as I was going through her check out line the other day she said, "I have eggs if you want them."  Never, do you turn that offer down because she has plenty of people who will buy them from her and I so enjoy the rich yellowish orange yolks and the large size, and on and on.

Anyway, she said she has baby chicks and the children could come over and hold them after work.

So we did.  These will be the source of our future eggs.


  1. Beautiful buds and flowers! Warm enough to walk outside barefoot. Good for me and for chickens! Helps me get through my computer focused day!

  2. Oh yes! Take 15 minutes and lay on the grass. You will be amazed at how much energy you get from that. Deep breathe some of that time too if you can remember.
