Monday, July 6, 2020

Huckleberry Pie, Individual Size

This was the wrong ratio of crust to fruit.   I don't recommend individual pies.

I made a mistake.  I should have tossed the berries with flour before adding in the butter.  
Big whoops.  It turned out okay in the end. 
 But as you can see from the photo above, I had reason to be concerned.

 As you can see from the final photo, I do not recommend making 
fruit pies in Demarle (Now Boncook) silpan products.

As you can see from the photo below, there was a big mess on the oven liner.  
Thank goodness there was one.  But it burned and smoked the house up so much.

To solve this problem, I had the big fans going and doors and windows thrown wide open which of course resulted in an afternoon of fly swatting.

1 comment:

  1. Well, these look so, so tasty! You are a wonder at baking. I also wonder if they wouldn't have leaked so badly if done in a solid Demarle/BonCook tray instead of what you used that had tiny holes in it. I believed those were used for bread. But thank goodness for oven liners - mine have saved the day time and again! Hope they tasted really good :)

    LW in SE WA
