Monday, July 21, 2014

Garden Jungle

The garden has been such a delight this year. Not the weeding part though that's mostly what I've done.

I've enjoyed growing Bintje Potatoes this year and they look great:

Since we worked hard last week on the weeding I had to take some photos.

The "Ogallala Strawberry" patch.  Everbearing and flavorful!  These whirlygig things have really helped cut down on thieving birds.



  1. Wow! So gorgeous! And productive! Nectarines? Wow!

    1. Back from our trip and the peaches are showing some wonderful color. The tree is loaded and the fruit is small. Hope it's good anyway. It won't be long now.

  2. Sorry for my long silence. I have been faithfully reading each post, though, and really appreciate the time and effort that you take (I know it's not just a little) to share all your garden and kitchen adventures with us. Someday when I feel like spending a bunch of time in the kitchen (fall or winter, most likely!!) I will love trying the lefse recipe. Whole wheat waffles bring back lots of memories of breakfasts before school, and we have been such beneficiaries of your lovely garden produce.

    Love you much!
    LW in SE WA

    1. Thank you for your comment. Many of my offspring are not currently enjoying waffles. They just want cold cereal!!!! I try hard to get healthy food into them. Someday they will appreciate it. Hope your memories are better.
